December 16, 2012

Shooting inNewtown, Connecticut

Oh wait, I forgot this.

Have you heard about the shooting in an elementary school in Newtown? It's really really sad. I can cry  everytime I read about it. So here's teh chase.

There's this guy, Adam Lanza. He's a psyco path obviously. It was around 9am. First, he killed his own mother at her house. For what reasons, no one knows until now, I think. Then he went to an elementary school nearby where his mother teaches there, Sandy Hook's the name of the school. So he arrived there at 9.30 am, kinda, went through the halls and killed the principal and the psycologist teacher, then the teachers in the hall. Okay it's starting to get sad right? Then he went inside the class that his mother teaches and killed the students in there! I mean, they were 6 for God's sake! And his mother was dead by that time so whyyyyyyyy.

20 kids, 6 adults. The agony!

The sad part is that it'll be Christmas soon. And the kids that died are sooooo cute. Read these, they might poke a needle in those eyes of yours.

"On Friday I was out buying Christmas presents for Dylan and his big brother Jake who is eight. I got a garbled message on my answerphone from my daughter. She was almost incoherent. I called her back and she told me what had happened. She kept saying: 'Mum, how do you tell an eight-year-old his six-year-old brother is dead and not coming back?'"'

"We heard an ambulance and police officer come and everyone was a little scared crying and I felt actually a little sick and like I was going to throw up," the third-grader, who's name Shine chose not to publish, told ABC News. "Kids were crying, not really like screaming, but they were all huddling together. They felt so sick." 

"We were in the gym, and I heard really loud bangs...We thought that someone was knocking something over. And we heard yelling, and we heard gunshots. We heard lots of gunshots. We heard someone say, 'Put your hands up.' I heard, 'Don't shoot.' We had to go into the closet in the gym. Then someone came and told us to run down the hallway. There were police at every door. There were lots of people crying and screaming." 

And here are some photos..

And this one girl, Ellie if I'm not mistaken, wrote a letter to her dad when she was trapped with her teacher. I can't remember the real words but her father has tumour and she said that she loved him very much and if he didn't make it, she'll be waiting in heaven. I can't say it's true but if it is, then damnnn.

Read more here.

I know we should be praying for Gaza. But come one, these are people too. So just pray the best for their families okay? 


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