September 29, 2012

Imma good old champ


It's been long since I came here pff. I'm so so so busy with my classes and Arts. So i nak babble a lot here, take out everything I've been holding for so long. 

Arts & Design is an AS for my A-Levels. So you see, it's and additional subject je pun, tapi keje bagai nak rak. Some of my classmates are wishing to drop it (but they're taking Architecture so dropping Arts is like...). Luckily Im taking QS insyaAllah, which hopefully means I dont have to continue Arts anymore *fingers crossed. Last time I did masks, which I merungut to my girls hehe sorry. But thats done. BUT NOW i have to paint on canvas gulp. Papelah.

My mid term that day. Seriously tak fhm results dia mcm mana. Cause some of the subjects tkde exam pun. And some sbjcts have like once a month tests. So how? Tak fhm okay. But for now. These are my marks..

Math Core - 26/35 (okay malu)
Math mechanics - 34/35 (actually math core and mechanics should be counted as one. tak fhm sungguh :l)
Phy topic test 1 - 29/50 TERER TAK TERER TAK?! Hahahah
Economics - 82
Agama - 19/20

See what I mean? I dont get the system at all. And then a week after that I had my Phy topic test 2 and math core test 2. Like, whaaaat? -.-

So for a few weeks my mood wasnt stable. First because I ws hvg my PMS which made me take it out on my housemates sorry. 'Kenapa tak kemas ni blabla bla' lol. But you know, Im assuming no one reads my blog, so im just gonna say it.

I dont like ppl using my stuff and then treating my stuff like how they treat theirs. So yeah, before I take them all back again..

Anyways, two past weeks was my holiday weekends. FIrst it was in Cameron then Langkawi. Usually Langkawi's our yearly place to go. But this time we went there for a VACATION, as in island hooping and all that.

FYI dont wear a maxi dress while doing this -.-'

So thgs like tht got my mind at ease for some time. Then it went helter skelter again bohoo. 

Next week i wont be cmg home snce i hve my iKoPLN carnival on Saturday. Feel free to come! Im in charge at the photo studio. Yeahh.

Gtg need to do econs since ystrday I slept from 530pm to 9am this morning. Whuut?

Bye x

September 7, 2012

Proud of my boys

So yeah. I'm proud of my boys. They are just. Urmmph.

A proud mama I am :')