May 28, 2012

Meet the Battanians (3)

Assalamualaikum. No more entah hape hape post.
It's going to be June soon. And by that time, mostly all of my friends would be in different place. And I'm going to miss them. Since I'm so full of spirit today, I'll share to you the other Battanians and how I see them.

Siti Aisyah

First time I saw you, you came into Haitham with Kecik. And they called you Mama or something, can't remember. I was like, huh? And since you were in Farghani, I didn't know you so well. Then in 2011, I knew you better. You were this full spirit girl, that loves to laugh and make people laugh. You have these huge gorgeous eyes and a very nice smile. You're very good with Biology, very good. And now you've got the MARA thingy for dentistry, hopefully you'll do great! And become a great dentist from Jordon. Have a nice flight there hehe.


Ohmy goodness. Where to start? You are a very very very annoying man haha. A great speaker, loves food, loves to play around and very itchy. Gatal. From form 4 where you had this crush on Syalin awh awh. The whole school knew! And then somehow that faded. Oh, everyone was worried for you when you had that Denggi fever (or was it another kind of fever?) and you didn't come to school for weeks. Everyone was like, rindunya Sesy! Pff :p And then you're marks for the exam went down the drain. Seriously bad for someone like you. Actually you were still the top 20 or something, but for you that was bad enough. Then after that, you worked your butt off! Mostly every single afternoon you'd be in class and study. And I'll go in and go, Alaa sesy lagi. Then, when I thought I had enough of you (cewah), you were my supposed to be prom partner. Damn funny. But thank you for the long hand-to-hand paper cut men. Much appreciated. Anddd, you were the few people to know why and how Brian made me cry. 'Brian dah mintak maaf belum?' Well, have fun in US or where ever you're going, with your gf kihkih

Hidayah Azhar

Aizad! Hahaha. Dayah, Dayah. A very cheerful young lady which loves Domo. If I haven't known you, I wouldn't know what Domo was. And now a Directioner. How I look at you, hm. You're this type where you need someone and you're always so happy. You get these mood swings when the time comes, but you're always open and you make people smile for that. I remember how you say, 'Tak nak laaaa' and stomp your feet. We'd always acu acu you with Aizad. So sweet. May you chase your dreams in UM hehe loveyoudayah :)

Faizatul Farliana

 Atul Atul. Small lil girl which so much energy. After every sentence, you'd laugh. You know, those big big laughs, not the hehehe kind. In Genting, you took my brooch. 'Atul amik brooch kita eh?' 'Eh, mana ada!' But there it was, pinned onto your scarf. Then you sat beside me during the MAC, which we looked at each other and said, boriiiiing. Oh oh! You were with Paul during the school days! Hahaha not 'with' but ya know. I'd always ehem ehem you, and you'd tell me over and over again that you were close to him because you were in the same school before. But that didn't stop the rumours. Have a great life my dearest Atul, si kecik.

Muhd Khir

 Add Math genius! Soooooooooooooo good in Add Maths, and Maths of course. In 2010, you were this quiet shy boy that didn't speak much. But in 2011, you were really different! I guess the Battanians took out the real you. It was a good different though, you were more out there and made us go, 'Apa ni K?' and we'd laugh. You were the person that didn't care to let others know your techniques or ways to solves things. You weren't stingy at all! You would teach someone until they get it. And you didn't care if it took your time. The difference between you and Brian is they way you give an answer. I once gave you a question which came from Siva, and gave it to Brian as well. Both of you got the answers. But in different ways. Brian was the text book style. Step by step as the books would teach us. But your way was different. You came up with your way, according to how you understood the question, not by remembering the steps. Clap clap. Good for you. Now go do well in actuary science pewit!

I miss you Battanians. 


Prank Text

Bismillahirahmanirahim. Sebelum membaca, diingatkan bhw post ini sprt sebelumnya. Mengarut. Non-beneficial at ALL. So if you don't want to waste time please don't read. But kena jugak post. Due to high adrenaline.
So here goes.

Sunday; 8.47pm, I made a prank text to HM. Nak call tak berani, apa lagi. Text je lah. Before I proceed, let me straighten things up first. 
1.HM ni betul betul manusia. Tak tipu. Bukan simsimi ke apa.
2.Dia baru 17 thn, tp apa saya kesah.
3.Bukannya 100% tipu dia. Adalah 70%. You'll see.
4.Kalau kenal siapa HM diam sudah. Malu lah *blush*

So you know the feeling of waiting for your crush to call you or reply to your text? The moment where your adrenaline rushes and you get all excited? Begitulah rupanya mlm tu.
Jgn tanya mana dpt no dia. Adalah.

 Dua kali pulak dia htr :')

 The time's different because I forgot to print screen it that night

 Ini tk tipu okay. Mmg plan nak buat birthday party kat Marriot. For MY birthday, not my 'friend's'. Tp since ramai dah masuk U, I don't think I'll go on with my party.

GIVE ME A CALL. If I gave him a call and heard his voice, dah lama pengsan kat hujung line. So you see, tak tipu hundred percent pun. Because a; I thought of having a party in June for my birthday but tk jadi kot. b; I would LOVE to call him to perform by any chance. 
I was sooooo excited of this prank text smp menggeletar sbb sbb sbb ilovehim :') okay tak lah. Tapi minat sangat. Mcm bagaimana Syalin minat 1D. Mcm bagaimana Adi minat Lady Gaga. Mcm bagaimana Razin minat Taylor Swift. Mcm bagaimana Kina minat HG. Tapi korg tak dpt nk text dia diorg kan? Hehehehehe (Y).
Yes, I feel sorry for him. Tak psl2 dia harap dpt perform kat hotel lagi tu. But if I had the chance, I would ask for HM to perform. 

Itu je lah al kisahnya. And thank you Kina for teman-ing me while doing this prank text. Seronok gilo! Oh, actually HM ni dah ada gf dah pun. Nak tgk siapa? Kejap.


Tadaaa haha suka hati je ltk gmbr dia. Takpelah. Dlm gmbr ni tk cantik sgt. Kat luar cantik kot. Semoga berbahagia sobsob cewah. And happy belated birthday HM.

Okay. See? NON BENEFICIAL post. And this was just a one night stand haha. Ini last time post mengarut mcm ni, I hope. 
Sorry HM. iloveyou :) 

May 25, 2012

Semoga mimpi menjadi realiti

Assalamualaikum. Fuyo, first time post dari ipad. mesti byk typo. Dah berapa kali dah backspace.Nak bukak laptop malas. Dah la tgh merajuk muehehe. Kuang asam razin pergi berseronok kat belia. Cis. Tak amik gmbr dgn Fizo siap! Last night, I slept early. Ada cousin dtg dri Terengganu, so had to sleep with me parents. And they all tidur awal, so saya pun. Begini. Yesterday I had a dream. And only God knows how much I want it to be true. Few days bfore, I had a dream that Kina got the Mara thingy. InsyaAllah that will come up being true. Then... another dream yesterday. About that Mara thingy, apa lagi kan. Menghantui diri okay Mara tu. So cepat cepat la keluar. Penat mimpi ni. Kali ni, mimpi ni utk diri sendiri, Faiz Aqeel, Razin and Syalin. My dreams would always turn out weird. Sekejap kat Malaysia, tiba tiba dah ada kat padang pasir. Well this dream started with myself, doing, ntah la. Tak ingat. Tibatuba muncul Syalin out of nowhere. Then we were talking about the Mara thingy, and everyone was like, 'ehh dpt tak?'. Tgk tu, typo lg. Tibatuba? Apakah? So lazy to change it, biar lah. So. Guess what. I GOT THE MARA THINGY! Dalam mimpi lah. And then Syalin pun dapat. Bukan setakat Mara okay. OXFORD UNIVERSITY! Amik kau. Tak payah IB segala. Terus Oxford. Then muncul Faiz and Razin. Faiz yg in real life tk pergi pun iv, dapat juga :D Who knows, tiba tiba dpt pulak kan nnti. If in God's will. Razin pun dapat. InsyaAllah in real life pun mcm tu. Then suddenly I was in line to senduk nasi, amik lauk kat kantin. Sumpah lawak. Mcm asrama all over again. Time perkampungan ilmu, makan kat kantin tu. Sejibik. Only that the kantin in my dream was slightly different. And jumpa Kina and Sab. Ingat lagi, Sab pakai tudung orange corakcorak gitu. Comel :) Kina tgh makan, like always haha (Y) So, conclusion, semoga mimpi menjadi realiti. And never post with your ipad. Susah! But when lazyness strikes, no one can stop me. And, JPA results dah kluar kan? So, goodluck! For those yg apply. Jepun tuu. Engineering tu. Fuyoo. And, sedih betul tk join diorg kat Belia tu. Haihh. Semoga diorg terperangkap dlm jam! Muahaha. Dah la. Entah kenapa post sebegini rupa. Hilang rupa anak dara. Tp seronok. Hm. Next time nk smbg psl Battanians lah. Rinduuu :') Bye.

May 22, 2012

3 Bijaksana 2009 Reunion

 3Bijaksana 2009 (not all )

Yes, kami dah besar. Namun kami kuat selama 3 tahun. Semoga kekal abadi persahabatan kami walaupun merata kami berada nanti. Jumpa lagi okay guys, and girls :)

May 20, 2012

18.19.20 May

 Bismillahirahmanirahim. These photos are all randomly distributed because of technical problems. Had a great time. Hope to see you guys sooner or later. All the best xoxo 
(Feel free to take any photo you want)

 Bakal bapa :') HAHA

 'Kesian Mus tkde gmbr' hihi

Extreme Gay Partner (GP)

 Anak pak cik Ardani bawak kete sioot

 Congrats Sab (Tokoh Pelajar) :D

Memories shall never fade even though distance is in the way :)